Thursday, January 3, 2013

spotted tilapia.... Tilapia mariae

The spotted tilapia.... Tilapia mariae a West African fresh and brackish water fish of the cichlid family. It is also commonly known as the spotted mangrove cichlid or black mangrove cichlid.
Spotted mangrove cichlids feed mainly on plant matter and males and females never feed at the same time. Instead, one will feed while the other stays close by and then they will switch. There are a number of factors that contribute to the natural mortality of spotted mangrove cichlids. Their predators include Malapterurus electricus which preys on the eggs of spotted mangrove cichlids, andHepsetus odoe and Parachana obscura which prey on the adults. Spotted mangrove cichlids are also prone to heavy intestinal infection caused by nematode parasites which causes death. Also, they sometimes get swept away from their streams by flooding caused by rain into small residual pools over the banks of the stream where they become stranded. Then, when the rain stops the pools dry out they die. Spotted mangrove cichlids are important ecologically as well as commercially and as a result are commonly exploited and cultured.

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