Monday, March 11, 2013

Fri. March 8, 2013 Cows in the Wind... We started out this morning with the same conditions as yesterday, up-hill current and very little sign. It didn't take long to see that this was not going to cut it, so outside we went in search of Tuna schools and we found some. We then spent the morning drifting with fish in the 100-180lb. class in nice weather. After lunch things all changed as the fish disappeared and the wind began to increase. The mid-day lack of Tuna action gave us the chance to hit up a few more Wahoo and some other tasty fishes. By evening the wind was blowing a good 18 knots, but we got on a spot of good fish and ended our a day with a handful of nice cows. We are catching some more baits and will be after them again tomorrow. Everyone is having a good time.."The Intrepid Team

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