Friday, March 1, 2013

Return Of The Fish Gods

Return Of The Fish Gods

Hinduism a religion a few thousand years older than christianity has a fish as one of their symbols. Vishnu their god appears partially as a fish.

The religion of Tao in China uses the fish symbol. It is called yin-yang. The dots are the eyes of the fish.

In Buddhism, in the countries of China and Japan the fish symbol means well-being, happiness and freedom. It is called mokugyo.

The new age fish symbol is a piesces and represented by a rainbow trout.

The Christian fish symbol was adopted as early as the 2nd century. It was suggested by Titus Flavius Clemens (St. Clement of Alexandria). They say it represents the miracle of the loaves and fishes that Yahoshua did. The fish was also a symbol in Phoenician culture. The Israelites had no such symbol.

The greek symbol alpha, also looks like a fish.

Mandoria or Nimbus, Nimbus almost sounds like Nimrod doesn’t it. This sign is surrounded by aurelia or gloria emitting rays of light. We know the devil can make himself into an angel of light. It is said to represent the trinity, which comes straight out of Babylon. This sign can sometimes be seen with a mother of heaven within.

Ichthys with Greek letters in the fish, which they say represents Jesus as the saviour, who knows what it really means. They are liars.

Triquetra, a fish symbol of the trinity. The trinity comes straight out of Babylon. False doctrine, that says Nimrod was the father, his mother the queen of heaven and their child together Tammuz the son. Then it was adopted into christianity as father, son, and holy spirit or father, mary, and son.

Virgo, the Phoenician symbol meaning fish.

The Philistines worshipped Dagon, a fish god that they called great mother god.

The Philistines Dagon great mother god in stone.

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