Saturday, February 16, 2013

Panama Cobia aquaculture

Panama Mariculture is a Panamanian Corporation formed for the purpose of implementing an offshore net pen mariculture operation that will establish a sustainable fishery in the country of Panama. It will be a vertically integrated operation including a state of the art marine fin fish hatchery, feed mill, HACCP approved value added processing plant and cage systems that are suited for the species being grown and the area they will be grown. The emphasis will be on environmentaly friendly production, sustainability moving toward organic development.
Cobia aquaculture, mariculture, cobia, open ocean, offshore. Cobia farming.
Panama Mariculture Corporation will grow and market Cobia and other species of marine finfish for export to the
United States and Europe in offshore cages near Bocas del Toro, Panama. Panama Fish Farming is a new industry
for fish exportation out of Panama using offshore fish cages. This sustainable fish production will be implementing
organic fish farming with appropriate certifications within one year after the initial harvest. Cobia farming. Panama Fish Farming.

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